Rules of Online Wingsuit Performance Competitions

Wingsuit World closely follows the traditional rules of PPC competitions1 (with several notable exceptions).

  1. Competition window is a vertical 1000 meter window between 3000 m and 2000 m AGL. Dropzone elevation (above MSL) will be provided to every registered competitor in advance. It will normally be the same elevation that was used in previous PPC competitions at that dropzone, if any.
  2. Three competition tasks: Time (calculated as time spent in the competition window), Distance (straight-line distance over the ground between the points of entry and exit from the competition window), and Speed (= Distance/Time).
  3. Each task will be scored based on the top score. The top result will be scored as 100%. The other results will be scored as a percentage of the top score. Total results for all 3 tasks will be added together for each competitor to get the final score for the competition which determines the ranking.
  4. Competitor may exit the aircraft at any altitude and fly in any direction. Competitors are encouraged to choose the safest and most convenient flight pattern and jump direction when performing online competition jumps.
  5. Competitor may change wingsuits between jumps, as long as they all fall under the same class chosen during registration.
  6. Competitor may add/remove ballast of any kind to change exit weight between jumps if (s)he feels necessary to do so, although it is strongly discouraged.
  7. Competitor may submit any of his/her tracks for any task, as long as it was created by FlySight during the posted competition period, including using the same tracks for different tasks.

Rules of Online Flare Contests

  1. Competitor is allowed multiple flare attempts, the best result will be calculated.
  2. Flare must take place between 3500m and 1000m AGL.

In case of any issues during track submission, please email us the problematic track and it will be scored manually.

Honesty rules

The following rules are an essential part of online performance competitions. Our team will only be able to continue supporting this project for as long as every competitor follows these simple no-cheating rules. Zero tolerance policy will be enforced and any competitor caught (or reasonably suspected of) cheating will be banned from online competitions indefinitely.

  1. Competitor may only submit his/her own tracks.
  2. Competitor may not submit a track that was altered in any way after its creation by the FlySight unit.

Competitors are encouraged to report any suspected violations of the above rules, unsporting behaviour or ungentlemanly conduct directly to the Team. Advance track analysis tools will be used to identify possible FlySight track alterations.

1 See also the current FAI rules for wingsuit flying competitions and USPA national wingsuit flying championships competition rules.